Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Organic Way to Clean Dog Urine

The biggest problem with free-roaming four-legged family members is that they don't have to be at a toilet to pee. Regular cleaners contain chemicals that are toxic not only for pets, but also for humans. So how in the world are you going to get rid of that yellow pond that's soaking into your carpet right now? Well, here's an organic and safe way to get rid of pee stains in your carpets...

You'll Need: Plain white vinegar, warm tap water, rags, baking soda, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution, organic dish soap

Step 1. Blot up as much pee as possible (assuming it's fresh)
Step 2. Soak the stain with a solution of plain white vinegar and warm water.
            -1:1 ratio, let it soak for 5 min. (vinegar takes out the smell and it's antibacterial)
Step 3. Blot up the vinegar and water using rags
Step 4. Pour a good amount of baking soda over the stain
Step 5. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with dish soap (dish soap can't contain petroleum products).
            -1 cup of peroxide to 1 teaspoon organic dish soap
Step 6. Sprinkle the peroxide and dish soap mixture over stain.
            -Do it slowly because peroxide can sometimes discolor things.
            -It would be a good idea to try on a corner first
Step 7. Wait for baking soda to dry completely and vacuum up

And Viola! No more awkward dark spot in your nice cream carpet.

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