Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weird Stuff Our Dogs Do...and Why

So we love our dogs and our dogs love us. It's probably the only true unconditional love in the world, but even so, I think we all know that our canine buddies do some realllllllly weird things.

Well, in case you were wondering, there is actually logic behind all the weirdness  (As shocking as that is)

1. Eating Poo
   -Ok, so this one is pretttttty disgusting, and I was pretty shocked seeing Yuki (my sister's Shiba Inu) doing this. >.< It still creeps me out. But really, this was a "defensive" strategy for dogs eons ago...when they were still wolves. Feces (hehe, a fancy word for poop) were like a bright orange arrow showing predators where a wolf den was, and also where all the puppies were. So Mommy Wolf would actually eat the poop of her puppies to protect them. Yeah....human moms do a lot for us....but these four-legged ones sure do go above and beyond.
  -Another reason could simply be....the dog is bored. So toss a branch, throw a ball, give them one of those annoying Kong toys.
 Solution:  Clean up all poo lying around? It'll get rid of that minefield lying around your yard :)

2. Turning Around Before Sitting/Lying Down
  -I've watched my puppies with barely concealed amusement many times as I witness them become a small tornado of shedding fur. Never had I really thought about why they did, I just assumed it was a habit. Well, one day, I decided to look into it.
  -Before fluffy Petco beds prettier than our own and designer pet beds so much softer than our own, Fido had to make-do with the wide open. Turning around several times meant stamping down any grass that might annoyingly poke you in the stomach later and it also meant scaring away any pests. So I guess you could say turning around in a spot meant preparing it as the ultimate nap destination.
  -Another interesting thing is that turning around also helps regulate the temperature. So it's kind of like you turning over your pillow in the middle of the night to that cold, crisp underside. :)

3. Licking
  -As humans, I think we simply assume that licking is equivalent to doggy kisses. Well....that might not be the entire truth.
   -When puppies are first born, Mommy dog will lick them. Puppies will often lick adult dog muzzles to get them regurgitate (throw up) food for them.
  -When they become older, licking becomes an act of submission. Less dominate (those in lower classes) will lick those of more dominance to show submission...and basically ask for them not to beat them up. So a dog licking you might not be entirely a sign of love, but an acknowledgement that you are their boss and they respect you. There's got to be some love in that XD
  -BUT when dogs lick themselves, it doesn't mean that they worship themselves. Dog saliva helps clean wounds and it is a dog's instinct to lick whatever bugs them.
  -Other licking....might just be the dog is bored.
  -Or if you happen to be a Shiba Inu puppy named Yuki, you're trying to get your owner to pet you.


  1. i admire you for having so much love & passion! good luck & keep posting interesting tidbits!^^

    ooh~ give momo & yuki BIG *hugz* for me please!

  2. What a cute article! I learned something new today...even though its about orange poo. LOL!

    -Linda :)
