Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Midweek Crossbreed: Meet the Heinz 57s

They're everywhere! In the pet shops, streets, backyards and even barking at you from your neighbor's window! They're of all different shapes, sizes and colors. They're swimmers, jumpers, runners, and fetchers. And who are they? America's number one dog "breed" of course! The Mixed-bred dog!

These spotted, splotched, brindled, stripped dogs go by all sorts of names from All American to Heinz 57! They might not be "brand-name" but they sure do have a lot of charm!

The pros of these four-legged family members are endless! They are everything dog and more! Unlike a purebred dog, you won't have to settle for just the same old boring coat colors and body shapes! Mixed-bred dogs are full of surprises! They come in all shapes, sizes and colors so there's definitely one for you!

Unlike pure-blood dogs who are more likely to inherit genetic problems, mixed-breeds are much less likely. It is a proven fact that mixed-breeds are much healthier, meaning less stress on both you and your wallet! And to top it off, mixed-breed dogs tend to live longer than pure-bloods!

And to add even more icing to your cake, mixed-bred dogs are inexpensive! Since they seem to be everywhere, acquiring one is super easy! You won't have to pay thousands for a "champion-lined" pure-blood that might end up with a long list of health problems, instead, you can easily get a lovable, "champion-in-your-heart", healthy mixed-bred dog for a fraction of the price of a purebred!

The reason that mixed-bred dogs are cheaper than their pure-blood counterparts is simply because some breeders and dog associations see the bloodline as a "status symbol" and many of these mixed-breeds are usually accidental. Shelters are overflowing with these lovable dogs because there is a higher demand for "blood status".

We aren't Slytherins! We shouldn't be caring about the blood status of a dog! It's almost equivalent to judging someone because they are not pure Irish or pure French. Humans have long lost the ability to be "pure-blood", so why should we favor dogs that are? Mixed-bred dogs and pure-bred dogs are all four-legged family members begging to be loved, so why should one receive more simply because of their lineage?

However, despite my own views, I am not here to persuade you that a mixed-bred is better than a pure-bred. I am here to ask you to consider adopting a mixed-bred from a shelter and giving him/her a second chance. Purebreds are often bought way before their birth, but hundreds and thousands of mixed-breeds wait for a home in shelters. So for your next dog, please consider adopting a mixed-bred from a shelter.

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