Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cat Training Tip #1 : Positive Reinforcement (A.K.A. FOOD)

Okay, so we all know a cat is nothing like a dog (besides the fact that the both of them are four-legged and furry), but did you know that it's also possible to train your cat? Yes, Yes, you can finally get Shadow to stop making the kitchen counter his hang-out spot.

Cats are not like dogs. They don't have this need to please their owners. So, you'll have to adjust your methods a bit for training your feline buddy. Cats need a lot of positive reinforcement, so yelling at them and spraying them with water all the time will not solve your problems. In fact, the yelling and water may actually encourage them to disobey you even more. So how in the world are you going to get your cat to stop jumping onto the counter or hopping up for a nap next to your very expensive glass ornaments? Easy...with food.

Yes! Ladies and Gentlemen, food is the answer to allll your problems. Okay, maybe not so. But rewarding your cat when he/she does something right as opposed to scolding your cat when he/she does something wrong can actually correct his/her behavior much faster.

So next time your cat hops onto the counter, don't yell or spray him/her. Get Shadow to hop off the counter, and the moment his feet lands onto the ground, reward him/her with a treat and ear-rubs.

Another way to discourage problems with your four-legged acrobat is to simply remove some things from the cat's reach. Blocking off tempting things and installing cabinet child-safe locks are probably the easiest things to do. Shadow won't be fishing in your secret snack cupboard or batting at your glass birds from Venice if he can't reach them. In fact, after a while or so, your cat will just loose interest in these places and you can probably get rid of all the blockades and locks.

Until next time, happy training~